When designing usability evaluation tools, one should identify the context and appropriately weigh the value of each measurement for the task at hand. A measure of efficiency is usually included in any usability evaluation. It provides some insight into the potential technology that disrupts workflow in a detrimental fashion. The broader model for the analysis and understanding of the use-related risks of electronic health record (EHR) systems contains the following four components: Use error root causes; Risk parameters; Evaluative indicator and Adverse events. User satisfaction is one of the most underrated measurement modalities in healthcare. Generally, healthcare workers are a highly motivated and skilled workforce. A number of attempts have been made to standardize user interfaces in clinical applications. Microsoft Health Common User Interface (MSCUI) was released in 2007. The aim of the MSCUI Design Guidance was to support the delivery of safe patient care by providing detailed guidance for the standardization of clinical application user interfaces.