Aim of Aerospike is growing with a new generation of interactive, real-time big data, Hadoop cluster, Web, and mobile applications. On June 2014, the Aerospike database server is licensed under “Affero General Public License” and Aerospike client software development kit under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Aerospike’s fast path for high performance is key–value operations. Each line of code in Aerospike and every architectural decision are targeted on high performance and easily scaling operations, flexibility and scalability of database software, maximizing database performance, robustness, reliability, and robustness. Aerospike is the first flash-optimized, highly global-scale, and reliable in-memory not only structured query language database for use. It is an open-source front-edge database that works with higher speed to make affordable for combining transactions and “hot” analytics to organize a large amount of information with strong atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability consistency and enterprise-grade reliability.