Psychologists at times tend to see political and/or religious goals as an arena in which emotions, originating outside those realms, are stimulated and played out. Terrorists claim to commit violent crimes due to political, religious, and economic motives. It is possible that these may just be superficial reasons that are used to hide a deep-seated psychoanalytical conflict within the mind of a terrorist. A factor that stands out in many terrorist case profiles is the absence of a father during the terrorist’s childhood. The demographic portion had several aspects: age group, education level, marital status, number of children, trauma experienced, affiliation with a terror cell, and professional skills. The age group of a person was also seen to influence the likelihood of them using certain defense styles. Age group was positively correlated with pseudoaltruism, while being negatively correlated with lying. In summary, the last part of the statistical analysis revealed correlations between defense styles and demographics.