The numerical estimation of the longitudinal and transverse deflection of undamaged plates is compared to the experimental results. This chapter discusses pre-damaged composite plates subjected to a compressive uniaxial load. The ultimate strength of the plates with different degree of damaged layers made of an orthotropic composite laminate is estimated using Tsai-Wu failure criteria. The Tsai-Wu failure criterion is used to calculate the failure index of composite damaged plate based on the stresses and material properties as provided by the manufacturer. The analysis involves non-linear strength analysis of pre-damaged composite plate subjected to compressive loads in which the following parameters are examined: the D/W ratio and number of damaged layers. An orthotropic laminated composite plate with a circular damaged region subjected to in-plane compressive loading was studied employing the finite element method. The ultimate strength of the plates subjected to compressive load decreases with the increase of the diameter of the damaged region and the number of damaged layers.