This chapter considers three approaches of the Newman-Raju formula, the J-integral, and the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM). Newman-Raju formula is known to be less accurate for complicated weld details and J-integral based on Finite Element Analyses (FEA) need concentrated efforts to construct FEA models. Assuming prescribed cracks on the front of two bracket toes attached to longitudinal stiffeners in way of deck and bottom for a 25 year-aged coast guard patrol ship, Stress Intensity Factors (SIF) were derived based on the Newman-Raju formula and the XFEM. SIFs from the approaches were compared for an infinitely long plate with an initial elliptic crack. A bracket attached to an angle bar sectioned longitudinal stiffener of deck and bottom of a 25 year-aged coast guard patrol was considered. Assuming long term hull girder bending stress follows Weibull distribution, axial tension loads acting on the weld details of the bracket were determined from the reference.