The Swedish priest, theologian, and historian Allan Green's efforts came to fruition in 1995 with the posthumous publication of the book Kierkegaard bland samtida. Personhistoriska skisser. As Green notes in the Preface, his primary purpose in the book is not to discuss Kierkegaard's existential philosophy, but to provide a historical survey of individuals who are more or less connected to Kierkegaard. Green's presentation of the figures he covers is intended to be both brief and introductory, and therefore scholars interested in more developed and nuanced historical accounts would be better served by consulting other works. Despite Green's stated intention to focus his project on the figures connected to Kierkegaard, he nevertheless allows himself in a few places to depart from this task in order to discuss certain of Kierkegaard's aesthetic writings and philosophical themes. In the end, Green's book is a good introduction to Kierkegaard's contemporaries from which even the most seasoned Kierkegaard scholar is certain to derive some benefit.