This chapter presents an overview of five essays from a journal published on Søren Kierkegaard's death. "Kierkegaard's Life, Works and Message", by Luís Washington Vita, is the first essay and emphasizes Kierkegaard's biography. In the second essay, entitled "Kierkegaard and Religious Despair", Heraldo Barbuy presents to the reader a controversial review of The Sickness unto Death, based on the French translation of Jean-Jacques Gateau and Knud Ferlov. Renato Cirell Czerna is responsible for the third essay, entitled "The Romantic Experience in Kierkegaard and Hegel". The author proposes an analysis of Hegel's and Kierkegaard's reactions to Romanticism. In his beautiful essay "Kierkegaard and Current Philosophy", Efraín Tomás Bó highlights the topicality of Kierkegaard's thought, especially what relates to the treatment he gives of the relationship between existence and reality. Vicente Ferreira da Silva's essay, "Kierkegaard and the Problem of Subjectivity", is the last in the series and orbits around the Kierkegaardian maxim "subjectivity is truth".