Kierkegaard's Personality and Thought, a small booklet by Sándor Tavaszy, was published by Erdélyi-Múzeum-Egyesület as the 25th volume of the series Erdélyi Tudományos Füzetek in 1930. The author divides his text into six sections. In the first of these, Tavaszy tries to describe the peculiar Danish writer. In the second section, the author discusses the nature of the relationship between Kierkegaard and his father. In the third section, the reader encounters another side of Tavaszy. In the fourth section, Tavaszy names four personalities, whom Kierkegaard met personally or in his readings. In the fifth section, Tavaszy states that all genuine philosophies deal with the problem of truth. Tavaszy concludes his work at the dawn of Hungarian Kierkegaard reception with the prophetic statement that Kierkegaard's writings still hold a lot of food for thought, the discovery of which shall be the task of the future.