Accept Yourself! begins with a functional assessment of clients' previous experiences with efforts to control their bodies and improve their self-image. When clients want weight loss, came to treatment asking for weight loss, and when weight dissatisfaction appears to be harming clients' health and well-being, it is tempting for both clinicians and clients to re-engage in familiar weight loss strategies. Offering a self-acceptance-based approach can feel like "giving up" to clients or clinicians, and it may be unclear whether self-acceptance is a preferable recommendation for a particular weight-concerned client. Accept Yourself! clinicians assume that clients have made good-faith efforts to solve their problems, and that if the problem is not solved after 30 or more logical, good-faith attempts to solve it, the problem is not the client's motivation or poor solution implementation. Clients deserve an "A for effort" in their attempts to solve their weight and body image problems.