This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book describes about invention and experimentation in relation to the world-making possibilities of the concept of madness as methodology. It focuses on Massumi's observation about how this might be done in relation to the 'in-formation' of writing in the academy: The wager is that there are methods of writing from an institutional base in the humanities disciplines that can be considered experimental practices. The conceptualisation of madness as methodology is about fragility and transversality, it is about moments and movements between practices of conceptualisation and what these might fold into other practices of world making and what unfoldings these foldings in might animate and bring to life. In offering the stories of emergence, and in conceptualising madness as methodology as event in terms of movement, the book provides new digressions, new foldings and new processes of world making in the (post) Humanities.