Like latent prints, footwear and tire-wear impressions need special attention when photographing them in a crime scene. Footwear impressions represent the single most often overlooked type of evidence. The best way to search for these impressions on floors is through the use of oblique light. This oblique light, even on light-colored floors, will allow impressions left in the dust on the floor to stand out. Photographing a footwear impression on a dusty floor requires a DSLR camera, a flash with a sync cord or flashlight, a scale, and a tripod. Crime scene investigators regularly employ electrostatic dust print lifters (ESDLs) to lift dust impressions. Like indoor impressions, outdoor impressions will also require tripod and oblique light. Many of the impressions outdoors are going to be three dimensional, meaning there will be some depth to the impression. Tire impressions are going to be photographed in a similar manner. The equipment setup and the exposure processes are going to be the same.