Medical deception refers to secretly feigning, exaggerating, or inducing illness in the pursuit of goals that can range from sympathy and attention (internal incentives) to money and drugs (external incentives). In a manner accessible to the general public as well as professionals, the Introduction familiarizes the reader with the key terms related to medical deception. These include factitious disorder, Munchausen syndrome, Munchausen by proxy, medical child abuse, malingering, and more. The authors share the harrowing case studies of Eva and Renée to demonstrate the troubling backgrounds of many who engage in medical deception, including the desperation that can come from institutionalization. The dramatic stories recounted are all true, and they allow the reader to understand the core humanity behind these shocking tales. The Introduction highlights Dr. Feldman’s reflections from his 25 years of study of these conditions, and helps the reader develop an understanding into the often bizarre realms of human behavior.