This chapter aims to identify the meaning of the etiological designations to see if Donald Trump and his admirers apply to the American president and his administration. If a case is to be made and parallels to be drawn between Trump and his supporters and generic "fascism" it is with fascism as an insurgent political movement. American populism has often been tinged with anti-Semitism. Populism reappeared in American politics during the civil rights struggles and anti-Vietnam protests of the 1960s. Charles Coughlin's radio career came to an abrupt end with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and American entry into Second World War as an enemy of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. A peculiar feature of Trump's roles as candidate and president is the prominence of Jews. The Trump administration includes Michael Cohn as its principal economic advisor, Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, plus Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner, major White House advisors.