Social networking sites are gaining increasing focus both by researchers and in the popular media. This is not surprising given that the majority of internet users have active accounts on social networking sites. Social networking sites offer new opportunities for self-expression, sociability, community engagement and creativity, through sharing, posting and disclosing information on users' pages. Personality traits are defined as characteristics that account for consistent patterns of behaviour, experience and action. Motivations are the forces responsible for taking part in goal directed behaviour, they include biological drive, self-preservation and social forms such as the need for achievement and affiliation. Conformity is closely linked with social desirability and Cybertrending could be viewed as online conformity. There was no significant difference in level of extraversion and those who took part in Cybertrends. Sampling bias may have influenced findings due to the personal relationship of some participants, who were conveniently sourced through the researcher's Facebook profile.