A full use of trigger decoding requires some time and effort. But there are many acutely troublesome situations where a briefer effort at trigger decoding is especially help-full in bringing a much needed added dimension to the experience. The dreams of most nontransformers tend to be brief and very realistic; it may well be that their dream images stem from the unconscious memory-storage components of the conscious system itself. If this is the case, they are nontransformers in the true sense of the term. Nontransformers are less likely to use strong symbolic imagery in ordinary communication with others, and are somewhat more likely to experience emotionally founded physical symptoms. Even though a dream is a derivative or encoded/disguised message, its very contact with raw, underlying unconscious meanings makes it a disturbing mental product. For the nontransformer who occasionally remembers a dream, brief trigger decoding is often all he or she can tolerate.