Before the invention of the printing press and movable type in the 15th century, books were hand-produced by scribes trained to copy literary texts, documents, or both. The scribes in many cases would also add minor decoration consisting of running titles, penwork initials, and headings in red and other colors. During the Albigensian Crusade, in late November 1212, Simon de Montfort, having become viscount of Carcassonne, held an assembly of prelates and barons at Pamiers for the purpose of establishing his rule and the basis of authority in his new domains. The results, forty-six articles and a brief rider, are known as the Statutes of Pamiers. A popular conciliar movement combining lay and ecclesiastical legislation on the regulation of warfare and the establishment of social peace, the Peace of God has been considered the first popular religious movement of the Middle Ages. The Athenian philosopher Plato is undoubtedly the most influential non-Christian thinker in the history of Christian philosophy.