This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book begins with an overview of feminist curating's own herstories. It reflects the approach and captures the energy of the Contemporary Art and Feminism community and its collective pleasure at being able to share perspectives on art while unreservedly reclaiming the F-word. The book describes a century-long, interconnected trail of feminist and Indigenous curatorial strategies based on ideas of inclusivity, collectivity and social engagement. It elaborates on the complexities and pleasures of respectful community research protocol in relation to fractured Gurindji/Malngin/Mudpurra/Bilinara cultural heritage, as a member of the dispossessed, second-generation Stolen Generations. The book outlines how feminist sensitivities and insights helped craft a uniquely self-reflexive curatorial response. It explores how identities and things are connected, and asks what might be revealed by thinking through relations as an interactive, material framework.