This chapter highlights the significance and fruitful encounter between Sousa Santos's and Fanon's work to understand the complexities involved in the concept of racism. For Fanon, racism is a global power hierarchy of superiority and inferiority along the line of the human that has been politically produced and reproduced for centuries by the "modern/colonial, capitalist/patriarchal imperialist/Western-centric" world system. Racism can be marked through colour, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, or religious identity. While colour racism has been predominant in many parts of the world, it is not the only and exclusive form of racism. In a colonial/capitalist/imperial world, race constitutes the transversal dividing line that crosses through relations of class, national, sexual, and gender oppressions at a global scale. The zone of being and zone of non-being is not a specific geographical location but a positionality in racial power relations that occurs on a global scale between centres and peripheries.