This chapter conceptualizes the contemporary university as a white institution that hegemonizes an entangled episteme of neoliberalization and racialization. The white university is conceptualized as grafting an institutionally obscured conception of humanity-as-whiteness onto the university as a site of knowledge production as well as subject formation. The operations of the white university are analysed through the mechanisms of perpetual control and subjectification/subjugation that have engulfed both students and academic workers. In order to advance a genealogy of the white university as a hegemonic institution of white supremacy, critical scrutiny of the epistemic conjuncture that underpins it is required. the European university soon proliferated itself as the laboratory of imperial design and categorization through the emergence and consolidation of social scientific disciplines in the 18th century. The chapter suggests that what propels both dynamics is the obscured positionality of whiteness that inserts an aspirational logic of belonging into a practice of perpetual subject formation.