In this chapter we define one to one peer supervision (also known as individual peer supervision) as a collaborative learning environment created between one coach, mentor or other professional (practitioner) and one other. We refer to a one to one relationship between two practitioners, neither of whom is trained as a professional supervisor. Together they engage in reflective practice in a thought-provoking way for their own benefit and for the benefit of their client and the wider system.

Often the “currency” for the exchange is that of time – with each practitioner offering the other an equivalent amount of support. There is a collaborative learning environment.

We consider the benefits and limitations of one to one peer supervision; we give guidance on how to set up one to one peer supervision/peer to peer/individual peer supervision relationships. We provide practical examples of a structure for peer supervision meetings and peer supervision techniques. In order to keep your one to one peer supervision productive we offer a way of reviewing, sustaining and closing out your peer supervision relationships. We finish with a reminder of what risks might emerge through engaging in one to one peer supervision.