The chapter is organized into two sections: the first looks at how you create the supervision Contract (noun) for your peer supervision work. The second looks at the skills of contracting (verb) in supervision. We believe that both of these are needed for successful peer supervision.

The chapters on one to one peer supervision and on group peer supervision include practical guidance on the essential elements of your supervision Contract. Once the collaborative learning environment is up and running, we offer prompts for you to develop a more expansive supervision Contract to work with.

In Section Two we focus on the skills of supervision contracting, a much overlooked area of expertise. While the supervision Contract may be a physical document, it is the supervision contracting dialogue that keeps it alive. We offer hints for noticing when a re-contracting supervision discussion would be useful in prompting greater detail or clarification to your original supervision Contract. Once you have developed your supervision contracting skills through regular re-contracting you will be in a position to engage in “spot” contracting. We consider what personal characteristics of a coach, mentor or other professional or practitioner contribute to developing these good peer to peer contracting skills.