This chapter discusses vascular surgeries. It also explains preoperative assessment and investigations, preoptimisation and perioperative management. These surgeries include abdominal abdominal aortic reconstruction: elective open repair, abdominal aortic reconstruction: emergency repair, abdominal aortic reconstruction: endovascular aneurysm repair, carotid endarterectomy and leg revascularisation and amputations. A ruptured or leaking aortic aneurysm is fatal if untreated; emergency repair is the only chance of survival. Emergency surgery in a specialist unit is required because perioperative morbidity and mortality is very high. Endovascular surgery provides an alternative to conventional open repair. The technique can be used to repair thoracic and abdominal aneurysms. Vascular surgery includes the major operations of aortic reconstruction, carotid endarterectomy, arterial grafting of ischaemic legs and amputation of the limb if it is not salvageable. Carotid artery disease causes symptoms of cerebral ischaemia, which may reverse within 24 hours or last >24 hours.