This chapter discusses ENT surgeries. It also explains preoperative, premedication, perioperative management, maintenance, extubation and complications. These surgeries include Laryngoscopy and microsurgery of the larynx, major reconstructive surgery, middle ear surgery, oesophagoscopy, operations on the nose, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy and tracheostomy. The laryngeal inlet is the narrowest part of the upper airway. For safe management, the anaesthetist and surgeon must share responsibility. The anaesthetist needs to understand the nature and types of pathologies commonly encountered and the surgical operating requirements. Surgery to the external and middle ear structures tends to be elective for improvement of patient quality of life whether through restoration of hearing, decrement of infection or improvement of cosmetic defects. Two types of oesophagoscopy are possible: rigid and flexible fibre-optic. Recurrent acute sore throat is a very common condition presenting in primary care and tonsillectomy is one of the most common operations. It presents a significant burden of disease.