The development of vampire characteristics oddly does not feature much in the recent field of academic studies which is usually called vampirology. Cults are secretive because they fear the real world, and they exhibit strong group loyalty. Some of the characteristics of cults are similar to those of vampire 'alliances', a term academics sometimes employ. Academic vampires like Belanger usually describe themselves as psychic vampires. Her The Psychic Vampire Codex: A Manual of Magick and Energy Work examines the daily life of the 'vampire community'. In 1911, Stanford University became the first academic institution in the United States to study extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis, the moving of objects without touching them. in a laboratory setting. The psychologist William MacDougall, whose work on instincts was useful, then encouraged a young psychologist, J. B Rhine, to develop a more quantitative approach.