This chapter highlights a few points of vampiric relevance. Unlike vampires, demons are missionaries, as their purpose is to induce humans to sin, mainly in two ways – by testing their faith in God and by tempting all-too-human flesh to indulge in every kind of fornication. The National Children's Home claimed that one-third of child abusers had been abused as children. Two-thirds obviously did not inflict on others what had been inflicted on them. The vampire syndrome does not explain the high percentage of individuals who reported that they had not been molested in childhood but who still committed sex crimes. Conversely, many children who were abused never became abusers. Michel St Yves and Bruno Pellerin said: This perception of "cause and effect" is supported by various writers who believe that the presence of unresolved sexual trauma. Some even emphasize that sex crimes are often a reproduction of previously experienced sexual abuse. They call this the "vampire" syndrome.