This chapter analyzes the representation of security issues on Israeli social media by tracing the public debate on Facebook over the controversial shooting of an incapacitated Palestinian assailant in Hebron by a soldier. The Israeli media in particular tend to devote inordinate amounts of broadcasting, reading and viewing time to security issues, such as conflicts, terror and wars. The internet in general and social media in particular becoming central arenas for political deliberation, the reality of digital communication has ushered in yet another new era. The chapter deals with the representation of direct security issues or security-related issues in the social media realm. Security issues invariably relate to prospective conflicts and wars. Security-related stories satisfy journalistic norms; this insures they will therefore receive a disproportionate amount of media attention, precisely because they provide natural material for reporting and "glue" people to the news. Communication technology profoundly impacts upon the coverage of security issues, especially of conflicts and wars.