This study aimed to investigate students’ attitude to biodiversity as representatives of the young generation of the indigenous people of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar. The rationale for this study was that this population is accustomed to living with nature in the surrounding forest with great wisdom and care. This study was descriptive research, in which data about students’ attitudes to biodiversity was gathered through a questionnaire consisting of 25 questions rated on a Likert-type scale. The participants were 30 students, from grades 7 to 9, of SMP Negeri 4 Cisolok Satu Atap junior high school. The results showed that the students’ average score for the biodiversity aspect of sensitivity toward, and positive values for, the prevention and remediation of biodiversity problems and issues was 78.27%, which was categorized as excellent. Likewise, the students’ average score in the context of belief in personal and societal efficacy in relation to biodiversity was 79.77%, also categorized as excellent.