Digital immunity infrastructure (DII) replicates the human immune system and is considered the Holy Grail of cybersecurity for Smart Cities. The DII is a unique type of nano architecture, way ahead of its time, designed with special molecular material called carbon nanotubes. The City Smart Grid is also a nano infrastructure that provides the best cost-effective energy saving and better reliability to all the sensor devices, machine-to-machine, and critical systems. It is much easier to build a Smart City than to build a smart grid. The defense strategy for Smart Cities is to develop a superintelligent DII. The uniqueness of Digital immunity (DI) is in its molecular structure using nanobots wired with Artificial intelligence programs to perform a specific defense service. DI utilizes its own "defense by offense" strategy. Nano cyber defense ushers nanotechnologies into cybersecurity. It is a revolutionary concept to replace antivirus technologies with new weaponry.