Every choir director knows numerous warm-ups from years of choir experience. Teaching Kids to Sing and The Choral Warm-Up provide sequential and comprehensive vocal warm-ups for high school students, which are built upon the foundation learned in middle school. Vocal warm-ups within the choral rehearsal serve not only to prepare the voice, mind, and body for the rehearsal, but to teach proper and healthy vocal technique. International choirs have distinctive choral sounds. Teaching Kids to Sing and The Choral Warm-Up provide sequential and comprehensive vocal warm-ups for high school students, which are built upon the foundation learned in middle school. Legato exercises should achieve the same continuity and vibrancy of tone that the portamento exercises achieve, with the vocal folds in an almost constant state of phonation, but without sliding from pitch to pitch. Although choral ensembles routinely sing legato and staccato exercises, Stephen F. Austin recommends that they practice sostenuto and portamento exercises first.