On a scale of 1–10, where 1 is dubious/uncomfortable and 10 is perfectly comfortable, how do you feel about listening in to other people’s chat when you are:

• alone the bus or train and someone is speaking loudly on their mobile phone?

• alone on the bus or train and some rowdy football supporters are joking with each other?

• alone on the bus or train and people are talking to each other in normal or slightly quiet voices?

• at a social gathering and you are in one group but you are distracted by and can easily hear the chat of another group?

• (a) alone and (b) with one friend at a restaurant where the tables are rather close together and people at the next table are talking?

• in department store or motorway restrooms where people often arrive in pairs?

• outside a room in which people are having a meeting?

• also, how do you feel if you find someone eavesdropping on you?