This chapter helps us to realize that we are not alone and that other people have gone through pregnancy loss too. It reminds us that while it may be upsetting, early miscarriage is very common. And it may be comforting to note while 1 in 5 pregnancies does not last, 4 in 5 do, encouraging many of us to try again to get pregnant. 1 in 5 pregnancies (20%) end in miscarriage 12,000 pregnancies (1 in every 80–90) per year are ectopic. Physical symptoms of loss can include: pain in the stomach or lower back; period-like pains/cramps; passing clots or what looks like tissue; and vaginal bleeding: needing to use a new sanitary pad every hour or less. Psychological symptoms of loss can include: crying, anxiety, fear, numbness, confusion, disbelief, sorrow, desperation, and rage. Losses can occur in the first, second or third trimester, and during or immediately after birth. Some losses can be very painful and may bleed heavily.