Development - Leap in the dark This exercise is for participants who believe that a significant relationship in their life is preventing them from really thriving. The relationship is far more energy draining than energising. Ask the participant to draw a picture called ‘Leap in the Dark’. In the picture, ask them to draw themselves leaping away from their relationship and landing in a new and strange land. In this imaginary land, the participant finds herself surrounded by people (fictitious or real) who are encouraging, inspiring, extremely supportive. Ask the participant to draw these people (stick figures will do) and then give each person a speech bubble. What are they saying? What does the participant want to do for an imaginary day out with these people? Using the picture they have drawn as a starting point, discuss with the participant what support they need to dare to taste life anew, to take a risk, to live a larger life, to stop depriving themselves from enjoying ‘the nicest possibilities in their short lives’ (Zinker, 1978).