The methodological approach/methodology to integrative framing analysis is demonstrated (exemplified, applied, example, visual framing, verbal framing, verbal and visual framing, framing theory, how to, tutorial, introduction, illustrated). Each of the six steps proposed in Chapter 5 are demonstrated in a study of the frames conveyed through written words and still images about people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA, PLHIV, PLAIDS, PWHIV) in news, special interest publications (SIPs), and public service announcements (PSAs). Some of the factors whose influence on framing was tested in this study are the communication context (news, SIPs, PSAs); the sourcing practices (news sources, photo sources); the characteristics of the audience (aka community structure; i.e., political views, urban-rural ratio, religiosity, and HIV/AIDS prevalence); and the goals of communication. Finally, several influences on variations in the degree to which verbal frames and visual frames conveyed the same interpretation were tested.