Aesculus seem to be bench grafted only in the winter/early spring period. One grower’s trial compared grafting dates for bare-root grafts combined with a hot-pipe system set at 21°C. Winter grafting is used out of convenience as field budding in the summer months is successful for the stronger growing types, indicating that summer grafting should be successful. Aesculus have a strong tendency to produce adventitious buds and shoots on exposed callus tissue of graft unions. Splice grafts reduce this reaction, as less area is present on the narrow graft interface compared with larger amounts on the surfaces of wedge grafts. A. hippocastanum is the main species chosen and considered suitable for all species. Aesculus are greedy feeders, and the potting compost should contain good levels of fertiliser, possibly supplemented by additional top dressing or liquid feeding during the growing season. Most Aesculus commence growth early, and this should be reflected in collection dates.