Five species are known, excluding nootkatensis, which was until included but has now been split off into a separate genus, Xanthocyparis. This classification is still under review as some authorities claim it should be known as Callitropsis. Reported information on the compatibility of Chamaecyparis is sometimes confused and conflicting. For Chamaecyparis and Xanthocyparis, grafting during February into March is popular; Dutch grafters extend the winter period into late spring. Some favour the summer/late summer to early winter period. Bare-root rootstocks of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 1+1 or 2+0 are suggested for late summer grafting†† and are suitable for the late winter period; higher takes can be achieved using potted rootstocks. Some growers adopt a programme of routine drenching of rootstock pots with a suitable fungicide as a precaution against Phytophthora root rot. Some recommend burying the union when using bare-root rootstocks, which is done conveniently as the rootstock is laid-in.