The long-term stability of China's People's Currency has been demonstrated by the long-term stability of commodity prices. The prices of food grains, cloth, coal, and salt have been stable. China's People's Currency is at the service of the broad working people, our socialist revolution, and socialist construction. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the government has reduced the interest rate on savings deposits several times. With the development of industrial production, the government has lowered the prices of many industrial products, especially farm inputs and many daily industrial, commodities, such as chemical fertilizers, farm machines and tools, pesticides, diesel fuel, kerosene, medicines, and medical equipment. China's People's Currency has won very high international prestige. Lately, amidst the daily worsening monetary crisis of the capitalist world, our foreign trade, foreign aid, and other economic transactions formerly conducted in other currencies, have been conducted in the People's Currency with many countries.