Investigative tools are things a person will use to legally access and/or obtain ­information and/or evidence to assist in investigation. Hotlines are one of the best tools used to identify fraud and possible collusion and corruption. Probably the most frequently used tools when conducting white-collar investigations are computers and their related hardware and software. A legally executed search warrant(s) can be the most effective tool to obtain evidence of wrongdoing in contract and procurement fraud, collusion, and/or corruption investigations. Criminal case and/or civil case subpoenas are often used to obtain documents and records or other tangible items. Trash covers is the name for when law enforcement searches through and/or takes the trash that their suspect puts to the curb for trash pickup. Surveillance of a suspect can often result in useful information, good insight, and/or solid evidence being obtained. In addition to being a source and resource, searching the internet is also a great investigative tool.