This chapter describes the benefits of clients' improved awareness of their breathing. It talks about the connection of the breath to stress and tension. The chapter provides a discussion on techniques to improve breathing habits. The techniques include nose-breathing, mindful breathing; deep/diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing, and Buteyko technique. Healthy breathing is important to maintain an appropriate balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The main benefits of healthy breathing are the reduction of stress, tension and anxiety, as well as improved sleep and energy levels. The stress response and breath are interconnected, with stress and anxiety causing breathing pattern disorders and breathing pattern disorders increasing stress levels. Mouth breathing and poor posture also contribute to chronic hyperventilation. Whilst breathing exercises are safe for most people, it is worth asking the client to check with their GP first as it may be contraindicated with certain conditions, such as epilepsy, type 1 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart conditions.