This chapter first discusses the rationale behind sensory exploration with Sensory Beings. In considering the bigger picture to individual sensory explorations, take in the sequence of cognitive and intellectual development conceptualised as four stages. They are getting wired, search and discover, explore and connect, and specialising. Second it considers choice and meaningful decision-making for Sensory Beings. It considers what choice really is for a Sensory Being and what constitutes a meaningful decision in the context of choosing stimuli for sensory-being. Getting wired refers to the neural connections between the brain and the sense organs. The Sensorium is part of the Artlink Ideas Team created to explore the making of bespoke artworks informed by the sensory world of a profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) individual. For someone in the early stages of sensory development, being exposed to the whole amazing multisensory world can be like being shown all the maths on the white board.