Stories are important because they have a beginning, middle and an end. The stories can be used for various situations. As well as sequencing, they also allow for sadness at parting, for resilience in finding solutions, and connecting between issue and outcome. The structure of a story gives security and stories with endings are important for children and teenagers who feel they are living in a fearful story that is never ending. The story, 'Vilenica: the Fairy Underground Cave', contains the sequencing of events and objects linked to particular cause-and-effect: for example, the oil for the rusty gate. However, it is also a multipurpose tale because it can be used for exploring feelings: sadness, anger, fear and pleasure, as well as social themes such as empathy and kindness. The story, 'tinder box' has many elements which include sequencing, repetition and overcoming evil. The chapter presents worksheets that encourage exploration of the story in greater depth and increase understanding.