This chapter discusses the situational ABCDEFG framework as one that may guide the thinking about how to help coachees when they come for coaching help for their emotional problems. The situational ABCDEFG framework comprises eight components, namely adversity, basic attitudes, consequences of basic attitudes, dialectical engagement, effects of dialectical engagement, facilitating change and goals. The chapter describes how to use the framework in actual emotional problem-focused cognitive-emotive-behavioural (EPF-CEB) coaching. Once psychologists have agreed to work with a specific example of their coachee's target problem then they need to assess it using the Situational ABC part of the framework. A way of encouraging the coachee to use dialectical engagement while examining their rigid/extreme and flexible/non-extreme attitudes is to ask them to imagine which attitude would they teach their children as part of their upbringing and why they would teach the chosen attitude and why they would not teach the rejected attitude.