This chapter focuses on Project Management (PM). The PM stage can be broken in to three distinct phases: Pre-Implementation; Implementation, and Post-Implementation. There are a myriad of activities for the systems development life cycle (SDLC) to consider during the Pre-Implementation phase. The PM activities the SDLC team carries out before implementing the health information technology (IT) solution are very significant as they can determine the success or failure of an IT initiative. The Implementation stage reflects the activation of the system. By this time, the organization should be primed and ready for the launch of the health IT solution. The primary function of the team at this point is to support the successful launch of the system. The final step in the PM stage surrounds SDLC team activities once the intensive Implementation support activities have ended. The Post-Implementation stage involves two major focus areas: managing normal health information systems (HIS) operations; and managing disrupted HIS operations.