The microstructure of loess exerts a significant influence on the physical and mechanical properties of loess. In general, the loess microstructure gradually transforms from granular–trellis–contact structure to aggregate structure, toward the southeast; thus, the loess increases in strength and decreases in collapse potential. At the macroscale, loess is a deposit of yellow-tawny to brownish loose silty sediment. Abrasion during the transport process changes the shape of loess particles. Loess particles can be categorized in terms of their occurrence, including individual grain, coated grain, aggregate, and aggregate cluster. Clay minerals, soluble salts, organic matter, free oxides, and carbonates are the main cementing agents in loess. Clay minerals adhere to the surfaces of loess particles and the contacts between particles. Particle and pore size compositions of loess in China show a regular distribution pattern with distance from the source area. The loess particles in Yulin City are mainly moderately packed angular and sub-angular particles in point contact.