Physical education should be coeducational throughout the elementary school; handicrafts and shop should be given to girls and boys alike at the upper level, and more hours should be devoted to childcare. Hardly had the major school reorganization been launched when the National Board of Education undertook a "Sex-Role Project" to determine what measures could be used to intensify the influence of the school toward a less traditional choice of subjects by sex, and ultimately to a freer selection of further education and employment. Graduation from the ninth class automatically qualifies the pupil for the integrated secondary school. Established in 1971, this school combined the diverse vocational, professional, and preuniversicy schools into one system, as part of the general democratization of education. In 1975, the year the Board of Education's Sex-Role Project ended, Marta Fröman was using TV cassettes in her social-science class for a discussion of sex roles that had a concrete bearing on her pupils' lives.