Humans decide to work without machines. This is an impoverished retro world in which humanity slides backwards overall. In football terms this is one-nil to the humans or an 'ignore' strategy. The Man-Machine paradox does not have to be an either/or affair, like War of the Worlds. Continuing Professional Development is not a nice-to-have in the Man-Machine age and we will all need a PSP or Personal Sanity Plan which balances head, heart and soul, rather than just focusing on professional skills and knowledge. In considering a society in which machines are omnipresent and integrated into everyday life, in some cases quite literally under skin, it is very easy to be seduced into a dystopian future, where man and woman are enslaved by machines in a real-life version of Attack of the Clones. From coal mining to data mining we can envisage a number of future scenarios in love/indifference/hate affair with man, woman, machines, robotics, artificial intelligence and official stupidity.