This chapter discusses the standard in the design of building structures for floods is American Society of Civil Engineers 24-14. The standard provides requirements for the design of building structural elements like shallow foundations such as isolated footings; deep foundations such as piles; posts; piers; columns; pile caps; grade beams; shear walls and breakaway walls for flood loads. Flash flood is typically caused by heavy rain accompanied by a severe thunderstorm, hurricane or tropical storm. The high velocity flow areas are identified based on site location, historical observation of flood condition and hydraulic analysis. In flood hazard areas, structural elements may be exposed to both corrosive and non-corrosive environments. To make the structure watertight, dry floodproofing adopts a range of measures both structural and non-structural to protect the building. Floor drain plugs, floor drain standpipes, overhead sewers, backup valves and grind pumps are used to protect the interiors of the building from flood backup.