Imperialism is the eve of socialist revolution. The decaying nature of imperialism is primarily manifested in the serious obstruction of the development of productive forces by the monopoly organization. It artificially prevents technical progress and ushers a stagnating tendency into the development of production and technology. The militarization of the national economy runs into a blind alley that imperialist economic development must ultimately follow. The ruthless economic exploitation and bloodthirsty political suppression of the proletariat by the monopoly bourgeoisie intensify the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The outbreak of the two world wars, the victorious march of the proletarian socialist revolutions, and the upsurge of national liberation movements aggravated imperialism's political, economic, and social crises. The intensification of uneven economic and political development among the imperialist countries inevitably intensified the struggles among them for markets and supply bases for raw materials and for outlets for capital exports.