This chapter examines the short story "The Annunciation" by Daína Chaviano who frequently joins sexuality, religion, and mythology in her novels and short story collections. Daina Chaviano's "The Annunciation" rewrites the annunciation story contained in the Christian bible and transforms it into science fiction. The story, however, diverges sharply by changing the background scenario as well as the development of the plot. Most importantly, Gabriel is not an angel of God, but a space alien. Over the course of the story, Gabriel seduces Mary, they have sex, and Jesus is conceived. Rather than a divine father, Jesus has a super-powerful alien father. Sex with an alien is as complex as sex with a human, and it involves all of the typical elements: the choice of partner, the control of reproduction, the impulses expressed, the biological systems involved, the intricacies of sexual pleasure,and cultural norms and taboos.