This chapter examines the evolution of corporate America's relationship with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) individuals and issues. Corporate interests eventually turned more of their attention and advertising dollars to the LGBT+ market segment in the early 1990s after marketing agencies began to trumpet gays and lesbians as a "dream market" with elevated socioeconomic status. A Time magazine article about growth in corporate support for LGBT+ rights credits Human Rights Campaign (HRC) for much of the progress, noting that businesses now seek out HRC guidance on how to improve their workplace policies and public image. During an annual shareholder meeting in March 2013, one attendee who was involved in the traditional marriage movement publicly complained to Executive Chairman Howard Schultz that Starbucks had lost customers because of its support for same-sex marriage. Corporate Equality Index criteria continually evolve to address emerging issues, but in general, the criteria include assessments of advertising and marketing to the LGBT+ community.