Acne vulgaris remains as the leading cause of dermatological consults in Asia. Acne vulgaris and its sequelae, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and scarring are not uncommon among Asians. All forms and degrees of acne may be experienced by Asians but the severe nodulocystic form occurs to a lesser degree and PIH is almost always a notable sequel Management practices are evolving, yet acne scarring remains a problem. With the introduction of newer laser and light devices, doors have been opened to many possibilities for acne scar treatment. There are many skin diseases unique to each race but acne vulgaris is one condition common to all, including Asians. Subgroup analysis showed more male patients among the adolescent acne group. Even the perception of the severity of one's acne varied greatly with the actual physician's objective assessment, affecting the patient's treatment-seeking behaviour. Acne scars are commonly observed along with the acne lesions of many Filipino patients.